Abdelhamid Bouhelal, PhD

Associate Professor 

National Polytechnic School (Ecole Nationale Polytechnique - ENP), Algeria 

 Department of Mechanical Engineering

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Books & Chapters

A. Smaili., A. Bouhelal., M.A. Mahdi. (2023). " Aerodynamics of Wind Turbines Operating in Algerian Desert Environments". In:  Sustainable Energy and Fuels: Materials, Processing Methods, and Development. CRC Press, Taylor & Francis. 

A. Bouhelal, A. Smaili. (2022). "Introduction à la CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics)". Cours pour Ingénieurs, Ecole Nationale Polytechnique, Algérie. 2022, pp.106. hal-04427690. (Click here)  

A. Bouhelal, A. Smaili. (2022). "Maîtriser MATLAB et Simulink en deux heures". Cours pour Ingénieurs, Ecole Nationale Polytechnique, Algérie. 2022, pp.135. hal-04437569 . (Click here)  

A. Bouhelal., A. Smaili. (2021). "An Artificial Intelligence Approach to Forecast Wind Speeds in Algeria". In: Chiba Y., Tlemçani A., Smaili A. (eds) Advances in Green Energies and Materials Technology. Springer Proceedings in Energy. Springer, Singapore. (Click here)  

A. Bouhelal. (2016). "Aérodynamique numérique – Théorie de petite perturbation: Etude théorique et numérique de l'écoulement subsonique et transsonique autour des profils". Éditions Universitaires Européennes (EUE), (publié le 8 mars 2016), ISBN: 978-3-639-50228-2, 168 pages. (Click here)

Supervision of graduation projects 

Lamia BELHASSANI. "Optimization of Wind Turbine Airfoils using Generative Adversarial Networks". Master's thesis (Engineering Program), Department of Mechanical Engineering. National Polytechnic School (ENP). Defended on 06/07/2023. (Click here)

Dinya MENECEUR. "CFD_ENP code: Implémentation et validation d'un code CFD avec une interface graphique". Master's thesis (Engineering Program), Department of Mechanical Engineering. National Polytechnic School (ENP). Defended on 06/07/2023.  (Click here)

Mohammed Mounsif SERAOUI & Merouane OURDANE. "Conception et réalisation de pales du rotor d’une turbine éolienne à partir de matériaux composites à base de fibres de palmier dattier". Master's thesis (Engineering Program), Department of Mechanical Engineering. National Polytechnic School (ENP). Defended on 06/07/2023. (Click here)

Fouad Bachir MESBAH. "Aménagement du puits de l’ENP: Contribution à l’étude technico-économique d’une installation solaire hybride pour le pompage de l’eau potable". Master's thesis (Engineering Program), Department of Mechanical Engineering. National Polytechnic School (ENP). Defended on 05/10/2022. (Click here)

Mohamed SEMMAD.  "Development and validation of a CFD code based on the finite volume method with a graphical user interface: Application to laminar, incompressible and two-dimensional flows". . Master's thesis (Engineering Program), Department of Mechanical Engineering. National Polytechnic School (ENP). Defended on 14/09/2022. (Click here)

Mohamed Islam HAMMOUTENE. "Contribution à l’optimisation d’une pale d’éolienne à axe horizontal". Master's thesis (Engineering Program), Department of Mechanical Engineering. National Polytechnic School (ENP). Defended on 11/09/2022. (Click here)

Mohamed Chakib BOUDEHANE. "Étude numérique et expérimentale de l'écoulement à travers une soufflerie à circuit fermé. Étude de cas: soufflerie de l'ENP". Master's thesis (Engineering Program), Department of Mechanical Engineering. National Polytechnic School (ENP). Defended on05/10/2021. (Click here)

Soufiane BOUCETTA. "Étude numérique de l’écoulement potentiel, bidimensionnel et stationnaire autour d’un profil d’aile mince à différents nombres de Mach".  Master's thesis (Engineering Program), Department of Mechanical Engineering. National Polytechnic School (ENP). Defended on 07/10/2021.

Mohamed Oussama BOUTARFA.  "Conversion du moteur Diesel F4L912 en Dual-fuel (Diesel-GNC) : Etude numérique par simulation CFD".  Master's thesis (Engineering Program), Department of Mechanical Engineering. National Polytechnic School (ENP). Defended on  30/09/2021.  (Click here)

 Amira DERRADJI.  "Climatisation du supermarché Ardis à l’aide d’un système géothermique utilisant l’eau de mer comme source froide". Master's thesis (Engineering Program), Department of Mechanical Engineering. National Polytechnic School (ENP). Defended on  23/09/2021.  (Click here)

Abdelmoumene ARAFI. "Etablissement d’une interface de dimensionnement et développement des réfrigérateurs domestiques à convection naturelle". Master's thesis (Engineering Program), Department of Mechanical Engineering. National Polytechnic School (ENP). Defended on21/10/2020. (Click here)

 Daoud BABAAMMI. "Numerical study of the evaporation of biofuel droplets in combustion chambers". Master's thesis (Engineering Program), Department of Mechanical Engineering. National Polytechnic School (ENP). Defended on 29/10/2020.

 Ahmed LADJAL. "An Artificial Intelligence Approach to Enhance Blade Element Momentum Theory Performance for Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine Application". Master's thesis (Engineering Program), Department of Mechanical Engineering. National Polytechnic School (ENP). Defended on  15/10/2020. (Click here)



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